Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hyundai Hope On Wheels

Every September Larry H Miller Southwest Hyundai supports Hope On Wheels. Hope on Wheels is an organization that was established to support research and programs at pediatric cancer institutions across the country and has raised over $72 million since 1998. Did you know, 4 out of 5 children survive pediatric cancer? As great as that statistic is, Hope On Wheels sees the remaining statistic of 1 out of 5 children not surviving pediatric cancer. That is what Hope on Wheels wants to change.

“Every 36 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer in the U.S., the equivalent of an entire classroom. This adds up to almost 15,000 new cases of childhood cancer each year. However, only 4% of federal cancer funds are allocated to pediatric cancers. Because of this we are committed to providing the much-needed support in the fight against childhood cancer. Hope on Wheels’ ultimate goal is to fund the needed research that will bring about the day when no child ever has to hear the words, “You have cancer.”

“When you purchase a Hyundai, you contribute to a great cause: the fight against childhood cancer. With the purchase of every new Hyundai, Hyundai owners support Hope On Wheels and the fight against pediatric cancer.”- hyundaihopeonwheels.org

Thank you to all who purchased a Hyundai from Larry H Miller Southwest Hyundai in September. You have placed your “handprint” in the fight against childhood cancer. It is a great cause and we are proud to have a “hand” in Hope on Wheels.

To learn more about Hope On Wheels, visit hyundaihopeonwheels.org